How Are You Feeling Today, World?
Be a part of a unique community in the project HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY, WORLD?, whose main aim is to monitor, how the world is feeling and how its feelings evolve.
Each user can select how they’re feeling every one hour from 5 different feelings. These selections are uploaded to our server. The average feeling of our users makes up the one and only, WORLD FEELING INDEX.
This app values your data privacy, therefore the only things that are shared are your country, along with your selection.
You can download how you’re feeling into your device’s photo gallery, to later share it on your social media.

HAY TODAY app values your data privacy, therefore the only data that is shared to our server is your country, along with your daily feeling selection for agregated statistical proccessing. No personal info is uploaded and stored.
Available: Apple Store
You can contact us via this e-mail: